
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's Food Porn... For Stoners

As you all may or may not be aware, last Friday was 4/20- a magical holiday where people from all walks of life come together in holy union in celebration of one thing...

And the chronic weed preceding it. 
So, in celebration, I prepared a delightful feast this past 4/20 and I would like to share that with you all.
It is without a doubt the simplest recipe I have ever prepared. So easy a stoner could do it:

Pulled Pork in a Crock Pot

1 5-7 lb pork shoulder
Bone in, bone out, doesn't matter just get what's cheapest
Note: You may have to cut it into two pieces if it won't fit in your crock pot. 

1 bottle barbecue sauce
I went with Sweet Baby Ray's because it's the bomb.

1 regular can of Coke
I chose Coke because I had it in my fridge, but you could use Root beer, diet soda, chicken stock, really any kind of liquid, but the flavor will be left in your pork. Regular coke gives it a sort of sweet, barbecue flavor. Chicken stock would make your pulled pork more like Barbacoa.

And that's it! 
If you want to get really fancy, you can rub the whole shoulder with Lawry's Seasoning Salt

like so:

Then put all that shit into your crock pot, turn it to low and go get high and walk around all day until about 6-7 hours later when your pork shoulder will be perfectly done.

Using tongs or two forks, shred the meat (it should be very tender). It's ok if there is a lot of liquid left in the crock pot- as you shred the meat it will soak up the juices again. 

Now get your already bought/prepared buns and coleslaw and get to munchin'

I put Sriracha on mine because that's awesome.

Hope you enjoyed this feast as much as I did! Happy 4/20!!

Here are some other options/ideas if you feel especially creative:
This person used diet pepsi... the shame.

Here are some pulled pork open-faced sandwiches with a homemade barbecue sauce and corn cakes.

Here is a super crispy skinned pork shoulder that cooks with less ingredients, but using your oven. Slightly more skill involved here (but not much).

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"I write for myself and I'll say anything I damn well please." - Billie Joe Armstrong

Thursday, April 19, 2012


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"I write for myself and I'll say anything I damn well please." - Billie Joe Armstrong


I have been crafting like a nut lately. Here are some things I've made or that inspired me.

Crayon Paintings

Cloud Painting

Hair Chalk!

Cross stitch! Etsy is an amazing source of information and resources for cross stitching.

Would change this to have a cross through 'seldom' to say 'always' :D

Constellation Cross Stich
"It is written" <3

 A DIY Camera Strap

DIY Lace Crown

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"I write for myself and I'll say anything I damn well please." - Billie Joe Armstrong

Monday, September 26, 2011

This is only 350 calories

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"I write for myself and I'll say anything I damn well please." - Billie Joe Armstrong


EAT from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.
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"I write for myself and I'll say anything I damn well please." - Billie Joe Armstrong

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

This Shit Will Get You Laid

What do people want to know about sex? How to get laid? Well for guys who want to know, the best way for me to start is by pimping these two amazing tumblrs. The first is Brotips, and it gives rad advice to girls as well as guys. Here is a best of:

TL;DR: Be the shit to you, and people must recognize.

And the second is Male Minded.

Some of it is crap...
literally. But most of it is pretty good advice...

See you later lovely readers :)
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"I write for myself and I'll say anything I damn well please." - Billie Joe Armstrong

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gnocchi For Fool's

Gnocchi is one of those foods that chefs love, because non-culinarians think it's really fancy and hard to make, and in reality it's extremely easy and can be made in large batches and frozen in portions and cooked to order. Any home cook can make this no problem. Here it is. 

Okay step one. Clean, peel and boil 2 large potatoes, of any kind. Russets, and all kinds of sweet potato work wonderfully. When cooked, process in a potato ricer. It looks like this:
And they give you a really fine potato puree that is great for mashed potatoes and essential for gnocchi. This one was $7 here. Now, once you have cooked the potatoes and pureed them, wait for them to cool and pull the puree into a mount on a wooden cutting board. Pour 1/4 cup of lightly beaten egg into the well and knead with your hands, but not too much. Add in 1 cup of flour a little at a time until the dough doesn't stick to your hands. 

Salt your gnocchi dough a little too. Now pat the dough into a disk, and cut it into 8 wedges. Take one wedge, and roll it under your fingers like a snake until it is about the width of a finger. Now cut that snake into pieces 1/2 inch wide. You should have something that looks like what you know of gnocchi. 

Now you can press the pieces against a fork for those little gnocchi ridges that everybody loves but be advised that it is not necessary. Dust all pieces with flour. Now you may do one of several things. You can freeze the pieces in a baggie, you can pan fry them just like they are with some butter, or you can boil them like regular pasta either in the potato water or in salted water. 
Aaaaaaaaaand that's it. 
Here is a delicious recipe for sweet potato gnocchi. 

White Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Wild Mushroom Stew


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"I write for myself and I'll say anything I damn well please." - Billie Joe Armstrong